Sunday, February 25, 2018

Hot Grill, Clifton

     While in the neighborhood (reasonably) I had a hankering for a dawg and had heard good things about Hot Grill.  I flipped on the GPS and quickly arrived.  I was surprised that the only hot dog they offer is the Texas Weiner but was happy to give it a try.  They deep fry a Sabrett pork/beef dog, add spicy brown mustard, finely chopped onions and a nice, thick Paterson-style chili.

     I found the weiner too have a pretty high concentration of onions which seemed to be very sweet, almost like a Vidalia.  Perhaps my tastebuds were extra sensitive that night but the taste of the onions dominated all else.  I did make sure to isolate a mouthful of chili and it was very tasty.  I grew up on the more bland, tomato-based chili (native New Yorker!) but I am growing fond of the cinnamon and cumin found in these spicy chilis.  All in all, a good dog that satisfied my hankering!

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