Friday, September 8, 2017

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile

     I learned of the scheduled appearance of the famous Oscar Mayer Wienermobile in the (not so) nearby town of Sparta,NJ.  As I was planning a trip to visit my son in Albany on the same day, and the standard route would bring me within 20 minutes of the attraction, I couldn't say "No"!!  I decided not to have my usual pre-trip meal as I was excited to sample an Oscar Mayer wiener direct from the Wienermobile itself!

     I actually arrived at the venue right behind the star vessel and followed it into the parking lot.  Excited as a little kid, I was first in line to see the wondrous interior and learn more about its history.  I have to say that the biggest disappointment was that THEY DO NOT SERVE HOT DOGS!!!

     Not one to let a bump-in-the-road get me down, I happily donned the available "wienerwear" and posed for a portrait in front of this American icon.  As an added bonus, I did receive an official wiener whistle keychain as a momento!  Now I need to go and find someplace to satisfy my craving!!!

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