Sunday, November 18, 2012

Charlie's Pool Room, Alpha (near Phillipsburg)

     It was a mixed blessing that we were unable to visit this stop on the day of our big Northern NJ Hot Dog Tour.  The fact that we planned for this to be our last stop did prevent us from arriving with swollen bellies and bulging eyes!  The proprietors deserved a fresh perspective to evaluate their offerings.  If you're travelling on a Sunday or Monday, be aware that this family observes barber's hours!

     Although it was a little difficult to find, this was an enjoyable hot dog stand with a rich local history.  It is nestled right in the middle of a residential neighborhood.  It took 3 passes before we identified the right "house"!!

     Back in the early 1920's Charlie's Pool Room was a local business that provided penny candy in the entry room, and a professional shave & cut in the adjacent front-facing room.  The "pool room" just behind the candy was an afterthought based on a need to entertain the many patrons who decided Charlie's was the place to linger and share neighborhood gossip.  So many local gents spent their afternoons & evenings at this social nexus that Grandma Fencz decided they needed something to eat, and thus the hot dog menu was born.

     The big secret to their famous dogs is their sweet & sour Hungarian onion sauce.  The sauce is the only item that brother Joe is responsible for... other than that he is the gracious host of the Pool Room.  He has plenty of documentation to support any level of historical anecdote that he might share.  He is very friendly, knowledgeable and quite the storyteller!

     As for the main attraction (the hot dogs!) I must point out that the onion sauce was the show-stopper.  Although the "mealie" provides a dog with onion sauce, raw onions, and precisely placed hot pepper slices with a pickle spear on the side, it really doesn't qualify as a "Meal" unless you get the blue plate special (5 mealies served on a special blue plate!)  The sauce really makes the meal special.  As there is only one large round table to enjoy your fare, the sociable patron is most at ease in this tradition-steeped warren.  Tasty, unique, a must-visit, but not a culinary masterpiece.  Still well worth your attention and effort!

*** UPDATE -  Charlie's had closed its doors for some required renovations in 2013, and family illness has caused further delay in their completion,  Our best wishes go out to brother John for a speedy recovery.  We hope to see you & Joe open for business very soon!!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hot Dog Johnny's, Butzville

     This stop on our Tour is one that I have a long personal history with (over 40 years!)  My parents purchased a vacation cottage in the Poconos when I was 6 or 7, and we would pass this stand as we traveled the 2 1/2 hour trip from Staten Island.  Being about 60% of the way to our destination, this was a great place to stop to "empty one tank & fill another!"

     I always wondered what "buttermilk" tasted like, but my parents were too "frugal" (cheap!) to let me find out firsthand.  When our son had that same curious question, I was more than happy to indulge the boy and ordered a frosty mug.  I now know that it is an acquired taste... one that I most certainly do not share!!

     One of my favorite characteristics of Johnny's is their open air pavilion overlooking the original stand from 1944, and a peaceful branch of the Delaware River.  This was a great place to end our 2011 Tour.

     As I do every time I visit, I ordered a mug of birch beer and (2) hot dogs with the "works".  This instructs the crew to add yellow mustard, raw onions and a pickle spear (a quarter of a dill pickle).  Incidentally, a "Route 78" will also add ketchup to that order.  The familiar taste triggered taste bud memories galore, but as a purely impartial judge, I cannot award first place (or even second) to my old favorite.  My wife agreed that they over-applied the onions and the mustard.  It was difficult to taste the dog underneath all the condiments.

     The birch beer and the ambiance are the two main attractions to this stop.  Don't get me wrong... the dogs are delicious and very satisfying, but we have had some pretty amazing dogs today!  I will still continue to visit Johnny's whenever I'm in the area & have some time.  It's a great family stop, with swings for the kids and plenty of space to relax & recharge.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jimmy Buff's, East Hanover

     Here again is a hot dog restaurant with a rich history.  Nearly 80 years ago "Jimmy Buff" introduced italian hot dogs to the city of Newark, NJ.  The name has carried through the years and is currently represented by 5 restaurants throughout New Jersey.  During our tour we visited the headquarters in East Hanover.  The interior was reminiscent of a 50's diner: pastel colors, patent leather seats and a lot of chrome.

     The first noteworthy observation was the friendly service.  The hots dogs were juicy, they gave a little "snap" when your teeth first bit into them, and provided a wonderful overall taste.  We had input from kraut & mustard people, double italian eaters and footlong chili cheese fans.  Everyone agreed that this stop on our tour was the new "stop-to-beat"!!  There was an overall consensus that the roll got a little bit soggy (depending on your condiments) but it was a small price to pay for a great tasting dog!

*** NEWS FLASH ***
     It has come to my attention that as of July 2013 only 2 locations are still operating in New Jersey.  The West Orange location and the newer Kenilworth location.  The East Hanover store, formerly their headquarters, has closed along with the Watchung store (which I pass periodically & prompted my investigation into current availability).  I hope the friendly folks we met at the East Hanover store have found a place in the new organization.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rutt's Hut, Clifton, NJ

     This establishment has been a staple in New Jersey Hot Dog lore for many years.  Although I was not privy to the product of Rutt's Hut ministrations, I have heard this eatery extolled as a purveyor of quality frank fare for many years.  I was very excited to visit this hot dog Mecca and had great expectations upon entering its doors.

     Let me start by pointing out that Rutt's Hut offers a selection of frosty brews to accompany your food order.  Such ability is never to be underestimated!  A nice cold Bud washes anything down quite effectively...

     Secondly, the relish provided is without a doubt, one of the highlights of this culinary experience.  I could clearly detect mustard, cabbage, onions & finely chopped carrots.  This mixture was able to transform (almost) any menu item into a juicy, palatable treat!!

     The dogs here are deep fried until the skin rips and crinkles.  This provides the name of Rutt's most famous hot dog, the "Ripper".  The crevices resulting from those welts are very effective at cradling the relish.  To eat one plain is a little unnerving in my opinion,,, the texture simply wasn't aesthetically pleasing.

     For those who like their dogs crispy, you may want to try the "Weller" (for well done).  My son was pleased with this choice, but I have a feeling that his liberal use of relish and the accompanying Bud were instrumental in that assessment.

     Finally, number 1 son talked his little brother into trying the "Cremator".  The name says it all!!  This tube steak was left in that vat of oil until it was stiffer than the tongs used to remove it.  There was no trace of moisture left in this dog.  It literally went into the trash after one bite!

     I didn't find out about the option of an "In & Outer" until later.  If I find myself in Clifton with a hankering for weenies, I would give Rutt's another try.  Anyplace that has developed such a strong following as Rutt's Hut is worthy of a second chance.  But for this hot dog tour, it has not landed near the top of my list.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hiram's, Fort Lee

     Upon entering this eatery, it was clear that they had a well-established local clientele who were intimately familiar with the preferences of the staff.  There was little tolerance displayed towards the out-of-towners who entered the dining area prior to ordering and receiving their fare at the front counter...  I'm not sure if the chaotic manner of the serving staff was a result of the challenge presented by serving "the unfamiliar" or if chaos is a daily part of the atmosphere.  One saving grace was that those not driving were able to wash down their dogs with a frosty beer.  The suds also helped to distract you from the seediness of the dining area.  The tiny tables were squished together in a dark room lit by Budweiser lamps.

     It was a long drive to get here from Union and we were hungry!  The boys had plain dogs and were satisfied, but felt like they could rival the quality by using the grill on our own patio.  My chili cheese dog (chased with a Coke) was literally saved by the chili... I think the cheese was a slice of yellow american!!  The little lady was likewise unimpressed with the chili dogs, venue & service.  We were happy to finish our brewskies and head out of town!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Galloping Hill Inn, Union, NJ

The Galloping Hill Inn in Union, NJ has provided their community with a fast-moving quick-fix meal since 1925.  I, personally, have a history with the Galloping Hill Inn having attended several repasts at the catering hall. Nonetheless, my experience on this day was that the HUGE bun over-powered the hot dog. My son's fried onion & BBQ dog found the dog over-powered by the onions.  Wife's hot dog w/ sauerkraut & onions couldn't taste the dog under the accouterments. Only my youngest son, who got a double hot dog with mustard found a good balance (but even that mustard was kinda runny!) All in all we found the Galloping Hill Inn a good place to go for a hot dog after a day well spent, but not a place to go to find that hot dog that you were longing for above all others.  Two stars are generous.  Be thankful!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nathan's Famous, Bridgewater

     The second destination of our tour took us to Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs.  No, we did NOT travel to the original stand on the Coney Island boardwalk.  That would have been well outside the boundaries of this tour (though it may have improved the experience!)  It was only an 8 minute drive from our last stop....  hardly enough time to swallow, much less digest!!  Fortunately, the walk from car to counter was quite long, as this stand resides inside the food court of Bridgewater Commons Shopping Mall.

     The overall consensus was that the regular dogs were overcooked and too crunchy, the corn dogs would have been miserable if not for the cornbread coating, and no matter what you ordered, the service was lousy!  More than one customer praised the mustard as the "saving grace" of the meal.

     Being a native New Yorker, this review did sting a little.  Growing up on the Island (ok, Staten not Coney!) there was a certain reverence held for Nathan's Famous.  Perhaps in the rush for geographical expansion Nathan allowed the quality control to slip... I'm not sure why I'm making excuses. After all, I was the main critic!!  Oh well, I'm afraid this stop gets very low marks.  Now off to number 3!