Monday, April 19, 2021

Tennessee Avenue Beer Hall, Atlantic City


     Okay, it may look a little sketchy from the outside... especially if you saw the empty lot and construction across the street.  But let's put on our big boy pants and give it a try.  Below is the inside...

     NOW we're talkin'...  am I right???  THIS is a place where I would feel very comfortable ordering a beer & a hot dog!  Since I was in a bit of a rush the day I visited, I had to take my order to go.  The staff was very pleasant and even brought a glass of water to the high top table I was sitting at in case I got thirsty while I waited!  You can preview their menu at The $7 cost is well worth the satisfying meal that you are going to enjoy.

     Below you see a "Don't Pass Go" dog on the left with added chili (with beans!!) and raw onions (they provide red onions... nice touch!).  On your right you see a New York Avenue dog which, as the name implies, consists of spicy brown mustard atop a mound of sauerkraut and cooked onions.  The hot dogs are Hebrew National all beef dogs served on buttery split top buns that are reminiscent of brioche style rolls.  All dogs are served with homemade potato chips that are to-die-for!  French fries or onion rings are available at an additional cost, but trust me, you can save your money and be deeply satisfied!!

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