Saturday, October 28, 2017

Randy the Hot Dog Guy, Hillside

     Though it is a bit challenging to navigate your way through this heavy traffic area into the ample parking lot, the journey is worth the opportunity to meet the character for whom the establishment is named.  Randy is an entertaining fellow with a great sense of humor and very few inhibitions!  Aside from the main building which you see above, he and his wife have a large collection of hot dog carts, trailers and trucks (see below).

     During the 14th Annual Hot Dog Tour Randy was serving from a large cart where he offered (3) choices of dogs (all from NJ): a Thumann's 8:1 NC all beef dog, a Best 8:1 all beef skinless and the Best "Don's Dog" which is a 4:1 NC that actually fits on a standard bun.  All of these were served "dirty water" style on a Martin's potato roll.  His ample toppings included: sweet chili, kraut, cole slaw, cooked onions, hot or sweet peppers, cheese, relish and 3 types of mustard.

     I opted for a "Don's Dog" with brown mustard and a bit of kraut.  The dog had a very satisfying blend of spices, a great choice if you're serving "dirty water" style.  This fat quarter pound dog filled the bun but didn't extend out of the sides.  The brown mustard was a great compliment to the spice of this dog and the kraut was thankfully not bathing in liquid, so the potato roll was able to support the contents admirably.  I enjoyed the experience and would stop again if I were in the area.