Monday, October 13, 2014

Mike's Dog House, Oakland, NJ

     I came across this stand on my way back from Albany, NY and decided to take a quick stop.  The one alluring factor was their rental of a hot dog wagon with all necessary elements (hot dogs, buns, sauerkraut, onions, mustard, etc.)  That is a very attractive feature for any hot dog stand, but let's focus on the quality of the dogs served at home base...

     I ordered the '2 hot dogs & a soda' special.  I asked for one with sauerkraut & mustard and one with red onion sauce.  Although the dogs were well-flavored by their respective accouterments, the Sabrett dogs were boiled and kept in hot water resulting in bland dogs left to be flavored by their condiments.  As readers of my blog may have come to understand, I am not a fan of boiled dogs unless they are strongly flavorful in their own right  Sabrett's do not fall into that category...  I cannot give this stand very high marks but I would stop here for another dog IF I were in the area & hungry...