Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pudgy's Street Food (Flemington area)

     How often do you come across a hot dog truck that is worth following?  Without a doubt Pudgy's is one of those trucks!!  As any adventurous hot dog sampling aficionado will admit, you simply cannot pass up the opportunity to taste test a new purveyor of tube steak provisions.

     Based on the name alone, one would assume that the jewel in the crown of Pudgy' menu is the Pudgy dog.  This champion starts with a Thumann;s hot dog, deep fries the weenie, slices it down the center and then places it in a warmed bun.  A spicy horseradish mustard is spread along its length, and then deep fried battered pickle chips are added to capacity...  AWESOME!!!

     This wonderful treat is undoubtedly the main attraction, although Pudgy's also offers chili dogs, Italian hot dogs and a cheese fries dog.  They all have something to offer the hot dog fan that relishes these specific delicacies.  What a well-organized, wisely adaptable selection of hot dog alternatives!  This truck has participated in the NJ Food Truck Championships in 2012 and is well worth stopping if you can locate them.

     Your best bet for tracking the truck is "liking" their Facebook page at:  It is definitely worth the effort!!

Charlie's Pool Room, Alpha (near Phillipsburg)

     It was a mixed blessing that we were unable to visit this stop on the day of our big Northern NJ Hot Dog Tour.  The fact that we planned for this to be our last stop did prevent us from arriving with swollen bellies and bulging eyes!  The proprietors deserved a fresh perspective to evaluate their offerings.  If you're travelling on a Sunday or Monday, be aware that this family observes barber's hours!

     Although it was a little difficult to find, this was an enjoyable hot dog stand with a rich local history.  It is nestled right in the middle of a residential neighborhood.  It took 3 passes before we identified the right "house"!!

     Back in the early 1920's Charlie's Pool Room was a local business that provided penny candy in the entry room, and a professional shave & cut in the adjacent front-facing room.  The "pool room" just behind the candy was an afterthought based on a need to entertain the many patrons who decided Charlie's was the place to linger and share neighborhood gossip.  So many local gents spent their afternoons & evenings at this social nexus that Grandma Fencz decided they needed something to eat, and thus the hot dog menu was born.

     The big secret to their famous dogs is their sweet & sour Hungarian onion sauce.  The sauce is the only item that brother Joe is responsible for... other than that he is the gracious host of the Pool Room.  He has plenty of documentation to support any level of historical anecdote that he might share.  He is very friendly, knowledgeable and quite the storyteller!

     As for the main attraction (the hot dogs!) I must point out that the onion sauce was the show-stopper.  Although the "mealie" provides a dog with onion sauce, raw onions, and precisely placed hot pepper slices with a pickle spear on the side, it really doesn't qualify as a "Meal" unless you get the blue plate special (5 mealies served on a special blue plate!)  The sauce really makes the meal special.  As there is only one large round table to enjoy your fare, the sociable patron is most at ease in this tradition-steeped warren.  Tasty, unique, a must-visit, but not a culinary masterpiece.  Still well worth your attention and effort!

*** UPDATE -  Charlie's had closed its doors for some required renovations in 2013, and family illness has caused further delay in their completion,  Our best wishes go out to brother John for a speedy recovery.  We hope to see you & Joe open for business very soon!!